The Power of Incentive Marketing

Boosting In-store Sales In The Digital Age

Are you looking to harness an understanding of in-store shopper behaviors of consumers aged 55 and older? In this infographic, discover their shopping habits, demographics, media preferences and learn how Claritas’ AI Marketing Optimization platform can elevate your marketing success.

Highlights of our infographic include:

• Discover where they shop in-store and online, what attracts them, what products they prefer and how much they spend.
• Learn about their age and income distribution, race and/or ethnicity distribution, and the top markets where they live.
• Understand the media channels this segment is most receptive to, including traditional media like newspapers, billboards, radio, TV, and other digital channels, like social media.
• Learn why marketers should use coupons, customer loyalty cards and other incentives to drive visits in-store and online.
• Learn how retail marketers and advertisers can employ Claritas AI to help create personalized content for this group, and monitor campaign performance in real-time and optimize for the best results.

Click the link below to download our infographic and start transforming your in-store retail strategy today!

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